In a discussion I had with a British family of a father, a mother and a teenage girl about the inevitability of the existence of a Creator to the universe.
I was struck by the girl’s strong belief in the Creator, a great doubt on the part of the mother, and a strong disbelief on the part of the father.
A mong the points of discussion was the emergence of the universe from the absolute nothingness, which the father was fiercely defended.
I said to him:
Does something come from nothing?
He surprised me by saying:
Yes, quantum mechanics has proven this.
In 1973, it was proposed that the universe is a large-scale quantum fluctuation in vacuum energy. This is called vacuum genesis or the zero-energy universe hypothesis.
I thanked God that I had previously read about this point in a beautiful and useful article, which made it easy for me to respond to it (1).
I said to him:
How can you be so confident of this while you yourself confirm that they are just hypotheses?
Any way, you are confusing emptiness with nothingness.
A quantum vacuum – according to quantum mechanics – is an existing thing filled with virtual particles of matter, antimatter, and ripples that occur in it.
From these “ripples pairs” particles and antiparticles can be created.
This quantum vacuum cannot be separated from the universe.
Nothingness, has nothing to do with existence or non-existence. That is: if there is absolutely nothing; there is neither matter nor energy nor time nor place.
It is axiomatic that a thing is what is imagined or reported.
The one who lack the thing can not give it to others.
How can nothingness give existence?!
How can nothingness give anything?!
Any event must have a causative agent.
Any effect must have a cause.

He said:
Most people consider empty space to be nothingness.
I said to him:
If we assume that the place is stripped of radiation, particle, and matter. This place that used to contain these things still exists, even if the place is not material,
Emptiness does not mean no place, rather it means a place stripped of radiation, particles. and matter.
I also told him:
Before the creation of the universe, neither space nor time nor quantum space existed.
According to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle; It is impossible for a vacuum to be devoid of energy.
Energy cannot reach zero. This amount of energy is considered something among things.
knowing that matter and energy are considered two different forms of one essence, transposable from one to the other.
He said:
The origin of the universe is the energy.
I said to him:,
Who created this energy?
Who transformed this energy into matter?
Who created time and place?
He said:
The laws of nature.
I said:
Who enacted the laws of nature?
The emergence of the universe requires:
- A substance from which the universe arise.
- A creator of the material from which the universe originates.
- A creator of the universe.

He said:
The atom and subatomic particles are the creator.
I said to him:
As if you are saying that the atom and subatomic particles set the laws for themselves before they even existed. This is impossible.
He said:
The laws established themselves:
I said:
This is an assumption indicating that the laws are a motive agent, this is not reasonable.
Laws are just a description of a phenomenon occurance in the universe repeated under the same conditions.
It is axioms that the existence of the law indicates the existence of the originator of this law.
Thr originator of the law (the cause) must precede the law.
Who imposed and enacted these laws?
He who believes that the laws of quantum mechanics can cause something is like he who believes that the laws of arithmetic can create money, and that the laws by which operates a car can create a car.
Whoever enacted these laws is something outside the atom and subatomic particles. He is the Creator.
The laws of quantum mechanics cannot produce anything for existence.
The laws of quantum mechanics cannot produce an event.
Rather, the purpose of the existence of quantum mechanics laws is to explain the phenomena that occur at the level of the atom and subatomic particles, after the cause created them.
In addition, the issue is not only the origin of the universe.
After the creation of the universe, the universe needs to be preserved and nurtured, so who will preserve and nurture it?
Who made the universe continue to exist?
Who made the universe fit for human life and other living creatures?
Who made living things grow and repruduce?
Who put the ability in them to grow and reproduce?
Who created for the male a female and for the female a male?
Who has placed the desire in the male for the female, and in the female for the male?
Who has given every living creature what benefit them, as if the universe was prepared for them before their existence on earth?
Who taught a living creature how to use what benefit them, especially the first living creatures?!
Indeed, without the Creator and His laws, scientists will not find what they study and evaluate their experiments on it.
So, the claim that the universe arose from quantum fluctuations is refuted.

At that time, I was surprised by the deafening silence of the questioner. Then he said:
You defend your God because you were born Muslim. The Christian defends his God, as well as the Hindus and others.
Which of these is the Creator (God) ?
I said:
The Creator is the one who created Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and Krishna.
The Creator is the Power in Heaven that everyone turns to in times of adversity, including yourself and other atheists.
It is said:
No atheists in the foxhols.
He said:
Which one is the true religion?
I said to him:
In order to know which the true religion is, look for a religion that does not ascribe to the Creator human attributes.
The Creator is One, He has no partner in His dominion, nor a son.
He created Christ without a father as a great Prophet, and He created Adam without a father or a mother, for He is the One who creates and begets not.
The Creator does not come to earth in the form of a human being or an animal, nor in the form of an idol, or a stone.
People should worship Him directly and not through a priest or a saint.
The Creator sent prophets to all nations, including the prophets of God, Moses, Jesus, and the final Prophet, Muhammad, peace be upon them all.
The Creator will hold people accountable for their deeds on the Day of Judgment. Either reward or punishment.
The wise is the one who takes advantage of the opportunity of being alive so far to return to his Creator with repentance and renewal of the covenant.
Article by Dr. Rabie Ahmed. (1)