A Latin lady once told me:
How can we explain the emergence of the universe out of nowhere? Some philosophers have argued that the universe is either part of the Divine Self, or part of the light emanating from the Divine Self.
How does the Creator help us without being physically with us everywhere?
She added:
Within every human being is a part of the Creator, which is the spirit that all human beings share.
I replied to her:
The Creator created the universe out of nothingness with His power and ability, and the universe is not part of the Divine Self.
A person, for example, possesses a self, which is the human soul, and possesses a power emanating from and is independent of the human.
For example, when I want to pass on a force of my own, to any other person, I can in this case apply pressure on a spring (iron spring), and then tie it and move this spring to another place, or give it to someone else, who in turn loosens the tie and make use of the energy or force that has been stored in the (iron spring).
In this case I did not cut off a part of myself to give strength to another person.
Likewise, sculptors or craftsmen who make tools and other devices and machines, they use their strength and their minds to find these things without having to cut anything from their bodies.
The Creator has the ideal, with the Creator’s power and ability, He can create from nothingness, or give strength to one of His creatures without needing to cut out a part of Himself.
The Creator is independent of the creatures. He gives them strength and will, as well as He implants in them divine attributes such as wisdom, generosity, forbearance, prudence, etc, which the spirit that God has spread in the human soul.
Professors impart knowledge to students without needing to cut out a part of their bodies.
I also told her:
If I tell you that I will give you some of my money, this does not mean that my money is part of me, but it means that I own this money. I give you what I have.
The Creator has the ideal, when He gives us His spirit, this does not mean that the spirit is a part of Him, but He gives us what He possesses.
The Creator is separate from humans. Humans are separate from each other. Humans do not share each other’s souls, and the universe is separate from the Creator and humans.
Modern science has proven that matter is energy, but it is stored (trapped) in the nucleus of an atom. If this energy was to escape from the nucleus, the matter would dissipate and get removed, and it would have required enormous forces to return this energy inside the nucleus to rebuild matter.
And the matter of the universe consists of atoms, and each atom contains (trapped) within its nucleus a great energy with a high density. And there are tremendous forces that hold and keep this energy trapped inside the nuclei of atoms, thus preserving the stability of matter from annihilation and demise.
The best example of this is what happens in reality; when the energy escapes through a nuclear explosion which releases this energy and allows it to leave the nucleus through collision. And this only happens when an exceedingly small part of the matter is removed and transformed to energy.
Let us imagine the enormous forces required to put this nuclear energy back into the nucleus of an atom to rebuild the tiny fraction of this matter.
Since the building units (the building blocks) of the heavens and the earth are the atoms, the demise of the atom is due to the exit of energy from its nucleus.
We find this clearly in Surat Fatir:
Indeed, the Creator holds the heavens and the earth, lest they cease. And if they should cease, no one could hold them [in place] after Him. Indeed, He is Forbearing and Forgiving. (Fazit:41)
The miraculousness here is in choosing the word “to catch” and the word “to evade.”
The verse indicates that the Creator, by His power, holds these powers and preserves the stability and cohesion of the substance of the heavens and the earth from passing away.

We understand from the above that matter contains atoms, and atoms in itself contains highly trapped forces in an exceedingly small space, which is the nucleus of the atom
This leads us to the fact that the forces with which God created the heavens and the earth and from which creatures benefit by liberating these forces in different fields or transforming them from one form to another or transferring them from one place to another (the strabismus) are in their origin due to one source, which is:
There is no power but from God

In a conversation with a British one day he told me:
The Creator is present everywhere by Himself through the inclusion of a part of Himself in some of His creatures, in order to know everything about His creatures, and so that He can activate His attributes of hearing and sight, and for His will to reach every creature.
I said:
And the Creator has an ideal:
Does the car engine manufacturer need to be part of the engine’s working mechanism in order to know the engine’s working mechanism?
I also told him:
We all have a mobile phone, and through this device, we can see any information, small or big, about what is going on in the world, immediately coming from news bulletins, and without the need for our own presence in the places of events.
Technology has also provided us with remote control means to control devices, mechanisms, entire factories, and even planes from afar.
The religion of Islam presented a simple and rational conception of this issue.
The Divine Essence is independent and transcends all other creatures. At the same time, the Creator’s knowledge surrounds all His creatures, and His hearing and sight are not prevented by anything, and His will is effective in everything.
Whoever seeks honour and power, then ˹let them know that˺ all honour and power belongs to the Creator. To Him ˹alone˺ good words ascend, and righteous deeds are raised up by Him. As for those who plot evil, they will suffer a severe punishment. And the plotting of such ˹people˺ is doomed ˹to fail˺. 10 – Surah Fatir.
The noble verse indicates that every good deed of the son of Adam, in terms of speech and action, reaches the Lord of the worlds without the need for the Lord of the Worlds to descend by Himself, embodied in His creatures.
However, this does not prevent or limit the ability of the Creator to do what He wills and how He wills, for He can do so. But He does not do what is not worthy of His majesty.
It is not ˹possible˺ for a human being to have Allah communicate with them, except through inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger-angel to reveal whatever He wills by His permission. He is surely Most High, All-Wise. (Al-Shura:51)
The Creator alone determines how to communicate with His creation. He alone determines the means of communication with humans, whthrough revelation, or sending a messenger, or from behind a veil.