In 1872, researcher George Smith made a discovery that shocked the world.
While studying a tablet from the relics of the Mesopotamian civilization, he found a story that was known to him.
When he succeeded in reading the text and deciphering its symbols, he realized that the tablet contains an Iraqi tale (mentioned in Gilgamesh) similar to what was mentioned in the Old Testament ( Genesis) about Noah’s Flood.
The stories about the flood can be seen in ancient Sumerian texts, Greek, Mesoamerica, China, North America, and in the eastern part of Colombia, etc.
One of the oldest and most interesting stories that have been found, it was created in Indian mythology. Although exist some differences between them, but they bear remarkable similarities compared to the story of Noah’s Flood.
The Creator said in Sura Hud 37:40:
And build the Ark under Our eyes and Our direction. And do not supplicate Me concerning those who have engaged in wrong-doing. They are doomed to be drowned. As Noah was building the Ark, whenever the leading men of his nation passed by him, they would scoff at him. He said: ‘If you scoff at us, we too scoff at you in like manner. You will come to know who will be struck by a humiliating chastisement, and who will be subjected to an unceasing torment.
Thus it was until Our command came to pass and the oven boiled over. We said: ‘Take into the Ark a pair of every species; and take your own family except those who have already been declared (as unworthy); and also take everyone who believes. But those who, along with him, had believed were indeed just a few.

The Indian tale is found in several sources. While the first story says that it was written in the Vedas (Shapata Pranaha), we find it in a later story in the Pronaos, including in the (Bhagavata Purna) and (Mestaya Purna), as well as in (The Mahabharata).
Regardless, all of these stories come to one conclusion; they agree on the central character of the deluge, “Manu Vivasta” ., in parallel with the Prophet of God Noah, peace be upon him,
“Manu” is described as a righteous and virtuous man. It is said: there lived at that time a saint named “Manu”, and through his direct relationship, communication and obedience, he attained the rank of righteousness in relation to the god of heaven as they believed.
God says in Sura Noh 1:
Indeed, We sent Noah to his people ˹saying to him˺, “Warn your people before a painful punishment comes to them.”

It has been said that “Manu” had three sons before the flood, “Charma”, “Shirma”, “Yapeti/Yafiti”. On the other hand Noah also had three sons, “Ham”, “Sam”, “Japheth”.
Those who were spread throughout the earth, including the countries of India and Sindh, to spread the doctrine of monotheism after the flood.
Monotheism means to believe of one God Who has no son or partner, and to have with Him a direct connection, not through any priest or saint.
The Ark of Prophet Noah was saved with the believers inside it and was the rebirth of Pure Monotheism as a religion of all people. People started their life and taught their children how to worship God alone without any partner. But later on many people followed their desires and went far from the prophetic teachings.
While many of the prophets and messengers that God has sent to different nations are mentioned by name in the Qur’an (i.e. Jesus, Moses, Abraham, Noah, David, Solomon, Ismail, Isaac, Joseph, etc.), others are not mentioned. Therefore, the possibility that other famous religious teachers such as the Hindu Lords Rama, Krishna, and Gautama Buddha were prophets of God cannot be out rightly negated.
“ And We have already sent messengers before you [Muhammad]. Among them are those [whose stories] We have related to you, and among them are those [whose stories] We have not related to you. And it was not for any messenger to bring a sign [or verse] except by permission of God. So when the command of God comes, it will be concluded in truth, and the falsifiers will thereupon lose [all].”(Qur’an 40:78)
He also said:
And messengers that we have mentioned to you before, and messengers that we have not mentioned to you… (An-Nisa: 164).

Many claim that the existence of a similarity between a Qur’anic story and a Hindu or Buddhist legend, for example, is evidence that the Qur’an copied the legends of the ancients.
In fact, the presence of similarities between the stories is evidence of the validity of the story. The existence of the legend does not mean that there is no valid origin for it, which the Holy Qur’an brought.
It is said:
There is no smoke without fire.
A hundred years ago, the Qur’an was far from science. Science began to get closer and closer to the Qur’an, even though science is changing and the Qur’an is fixed.
By this measure, we can prove the authenticity of the Qur’anic stories, which came to correct myths and to give the true story.
Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Middle East use the word “Allah” to refer to God, which refers to The Only True God.
The reference of God to Himself as WE or US in many verses of the Qur’an denotes Grandeur and Power in Arabic. In the English language this is known as the royal WE, where a plural pronoun is used to refer to a single person holding a high office, such as a monarch. For the avoidance of doubt, the Qur’an has consistently reminded us of the SINGULAR pronoun in reference to God, when called upon by His servants.
A Universal Religion
Faten Sabri